Mystery shopping

The use of individuals trained to experience and measure any customer service process, by acting as potential customers and in some way reporting back on their experiences in a detailed and objective way
Market Research Society

Help improve customer service

Mystery visit research provides you with a structured approach to measuring, managing and developing your customer service. A programme of mystery visits can help you ensure that customer service is consistently delivered to meet the service standards you expect.

A unique form of feedback

Mystery shoppers offer you the advantage of a unique form of customer feedback that is structured enough to allow comparison across the business but involves “real customers” and so the feedback is more informed and holistic and provides you with a rounded mainly qualitative review of your customer services. However, it is important to understand it is different than customer feedback which is more about perception. Mystery visits are about observation and facts (did x happen or not happen).

Results help focus staff training

Mystery shopping differs from other research techniques in that staff are unaware at the time of the interaction that they are being evaluated. Ideally results from this technique should be used more for directing training and for rewards schemes rather than for disciplinary purposes.

CJM Research offer an innovative approach

CJM Research have seen mystery visits make a real difference and help Leisure Centres improve their customer service in a targeted and specific way. We also have developed a truly innovative approach to mystery shopper recruitment which we would be delighted to explore with you.

Contact CJM Research to discuss your needs.

What is "mystery shopping"?
Mystery Shopping' or mystery visits involves regular reviewing of your service by professional or carefully selected customers who are trained to observe, experience and evaluate the customer service process of an organisation. They do this by posing as a ‘real customer’ and undertaking a series of agreed tasks, which monitor the service delivery, customer journey and the effectiveness of staff training. Each shop is followed by an evaluation, usually in the form of a questionnaire. These questionnaires are collated and reported as a dashboard report or presentation of the overall findings conclusions and issues to be addressed.
Measure to manage